This file is used to speed up subsequent compressoions by allowing the compressor to copy over similar files instead of compressing them again. With version 3.0, the compressor now makes a file called ARCHIVE.bin. This is done to make it much faster than other compressors, at the cost of a bit of noise. This program will probably make your CPU fans run very loud, as it pins every core in your processor to 100% for a while. wad file for a Virtual Console, it won't accept decompressed ROMs, so you'll want to compress it. Also, if you're trying to inject a game into a. This problem goes away* with compressed ROMs. From what I've noticed, emulators don't seem to like decompressed ROMs very much, and they occasionally crash when trying to pause.

It takes a decompressed OoT ROM and a table (Use tableExtract for this), and creates a compressed version of the ROM. This is a compressor for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.