In the family life it is important to sing the names of VishnuBut better than singing names of Vishnu is singing names of Shiva. She is red in color, and her eyes are full of compassion, and holds the noose, the goad, the bow and the flowery arrow in Her hands. Lalitha Sahasranamam In Telugu By Priya Sisters Full Of Compassion Take bath in the morning, finish the oblations of the dawn, Go to the prayer room and first worship the Sree Chakra. Vishnu Sahasranamam, Sung by: That devotee who laliita her on mahanavami day, On the Sri Chakra using these thousand names, Would certainly attain salvation. Lalitha Sahasranamam In Telugu By Priya Sisters Pdf File In.Lalitha Sahasranamam In Telugu By Priya Sisters Full Of Compassion.