The application works completely free of charge under the GNU license type. The output file did not visually differ from the original source in quality, yet the size came down to 646 Mb. Many DVD rippers delete this data altogether, sadly. The Chapter Markers feature is very handy too. Presets for encoding are very conveniently grouped. While testing the software, we were pleasantly surprised, as it seemed to us that VidCoder is one of the best DVD ripper software.

Capturing audio and subtitles is also possible. There is a feature of applying video filters as decomb, detelecine, deinterlace, rotate, reflect. Experienced users can customize encoding settings – bitrate, size, quality. Get DVD or BluRay video into MP4 or MKV formats. There are not many formats for converting, yet.

HandBrake is entirely free, multi-platform software that will satisfy the needs of most users. In terms of features, you can set sound notifications upon completion of encoding or perform shutdown options (sleep, hibernate, logout, etc.), saving encoding logs to separate files. It works great both with images and disks, but unfortunately, HandBrake does not have encrypted functions. The application has a friendly interface, very convenient navigation, and tips for each function. Crop, change codecs, frame rate, effects, chapter markers, video filters, transfer subtitles and audio tracks. Along with presets there’s much more room to tweak configurations. Similarly to VidCoder, HandBrake can only produce videos in MP4 and MKV. We tested this function using the Nvidia 1080 TI card and converted videos with a duration of 1 hr 31 min, 1.45 GB (720×304) convert to 4.81 Gb (1920×1080). The disadvantage of this feature is high system requirements, namely Nvidia GTX 1050 GPU (minimum) and the RTX 2080 recommended. This feature enlarges video images by 300% while adding more detail to exponentially improve video quality.

Testing (DVD ISO file to MKV)Ī unique feature is the separate Enlarger AI upscaling function, with which you can enhance the video quality from 480p (SD) to 1080p (Full HD) or from 1080p to 4K. There is also the possibility of converting to 3D (split screen, anaglyph, 2 separate files, 2 video streams in one file). It comprises all the necessary tools, support for multiple audio tracks and subtitles, advanced settings (choice of codec, encoder method, resolution, and other basic settings). The application dates back to 2003, which automatically makes it one of the pioneers in the industry, the Chinese company Fengtao Software is developing the app. Output formats : 22.ĭVDFab is a universal product for working with video (copying, converting, ripper, creating DVD discs, and some other additional functions).